QR Code Academy
In-depth information on QR Codes

How to Track QR Codes in Shopify

Learn how to correlate dynamic QR Codes with sales and visits in your Shopify store using QR Code Designer and Shopify Reports.
Capsule Records: Revolutionizing Music Discovery with QR Codes

“There's nothing better than discovering a new tune, a new band or a new label to make the hairs on your arms stand to attention.” Let's explore the store story of Capsule Records and how they innovated music discovery with QR Codes.

A Portal to Success: The Magic of QR Codes and Tea

Tea is one of the most consumed beverages, next to water across the globe. Meet Tea Chai Té, a renowned tea business that is continuously making waves in the tea industry, captivating tea enthusiasts with their exceptional blend and unwavering commitment to quality.
Stock Fragrance: Blending Aromatic Masterpieces with QR Code Innovation

Stock Fragrance recognized the need for a more efficient and eco-friendly approach to meet the industry demand. Thus, leading them to stumble on a simple solution for a complex problem – QR codes.

QR Codes vs. Barcodes: Which is Better for Your Business Needs?

Learn the difference between QR Codes and Barcodes. Understand when you should you use one vs. the other and what the advantages of each are.

How Do I Use the Bulk Create Feature with the QR Code Generator Hub App for Shopify?

The endless possibilities that QR codes offer made it an indispensable tool for enhancing customer engagement and driving sales for many Shopify stores. And by integrating QR Codes Unlimited Shopify app, eCommerce stores can take advantage of its bulk-creation feature to save time and generate QR codes simultaneously.

Dynamic QR Codes on Tickets

QR codes are a type of barcode that can be read by smartphones and other devices with cameras. They are often used to provide information or links to websites.

How to Add Color to QR Codes

Learn how to add color to QR Codes (and why QR codes are often black and white). Get best practices for creating beautiful, colorful QR Codes for your site.
The Basics

The Basics of QR Codes - Everything you need to know to get started


Designing QR Codes - How to generate beautiful QR Codes
For Business

Learn about how to use QR Codes in different types of businesses.
Case Studies

Case Studies