How Can I Utilize Colors and Gradients to Enhance Dynamic QR Code Design?

Jonathan Palley's picture
Jonathan Palley Dec 13, 2023
In today’s digital age, catching your target audience’s attention is a huge challenge.  Discounts and offerings are a marketing strategy, but how are going to gain their interest? This is where aesthetics play a crucial role, especially for dynamic QR codes.  

A well-designed QR code doesn't just relay information; it should create a positive customer experience. Colors and gradients are your secret weapons to making your dynamic QR code pop in a sea of monotony. 

Steps to Creating Dynamic QR Codes with QR Codes Unlimited App for Shopify 

Step 1: To start, log in to your Shopify admin panel and access the App Store. There, you can search for the "QR Codes Unlimited" or directly download the app using the provided link

Step 2: Once you're on the download page, click "Add App" to begin the installation process. Follow the app's instructions to seamlessly integrate it with your Shopify store, making it effortless to create and manage personalized QR codes for your products. 

Step 3: In your Shopify store's interface, locate "QR Code Hub" within the apps section on the left side. 

Step 4: Inside the app, you'll find the "Create New" button. Depending on your goal, choose the relevant option. For example, if you're crafting a QR code for your homepage, select that option. 

Step 5: Explore the customization options below to tailor your QR code's design. These choices encompass elements like logos, color schemes, and shapes, allowing you to align the QR code's aesthetics with your brand's visual identity. 

Step 6: After perfecting your design, proceed to download the QR code. You'll spot the download button on the right side, just below the QR code preview. Click the "Download" button to save the QR code in formats such as PNG, JPEG, or SVG. This adaptability enables you to pick the format that suits your specific needs. Additionally, a shortened URL is provided for easy copying if required. 

Best Practices to Elevate Your Dynamic QR Code Design 

Incorporating your logo and color into a dynamic QR code is a strategic move that reinforces brand recognition.
The QR Codes Unlimited Shopify app makes this integration seamless, allowing you to imprint your logo within the code itself. This not only adds a professional touch but also solidifies your brand's identity. But having an app that can support your endeavor is not enough, you also need to equip yourself with best practices to maximize its features.  

Listed below are some of the best practices you should follow: 
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: When it comes to dynamic QR codes, consistency is key. Utilize colors that align with your brand's established identity. This reinforces instant recognition and strengthens the connection between your dynamic QR code and your brand. 
  • Contrast is Key: Ensuring that your dynamic QR code is easily scannable is non-negotiable. To achieve this, strike a balance between your chosen colors. The contrast between the foreground (dots) and the background is crucial for effortless scanning by both users and devices. 
  • Harmonious Gradients: Gradients can add a touch of elegance to your dynamic QR code design. However, moderation is key. Experiment with gradients that enhance the visual appeal without overshadowing the dynamic QR code's primary purpose—conveying information effectively. 
  • Strategic Logo Placement: Integrating your logo into your dynamic QR code is a strategic move. Not only does it enhance your brand presence, but it also reassures users of the legitimacy of the code. Place your logo thoughtfully within the design, making sure it aligns seamlessly with the overall aesthetic. 
  • Balance Aesthetics and Functionality: While it's tempting to dive deep into aesthetics, remember that a dynamic QR code's primary function is to be scanned. It is more important to maintain a balance between design elements and functionality. A visually stunning dynamic QR code loses its value if it can't be scanned by your customers. 


Your dynamic QR codes have the potential to be much more than functional tools. They can be engaging, visually pleasing components that seamlessly blend with your brand.  

Shopify QR Codes Unlimited app equips you with the tools to leverage colors, gradients, and design elements. By striking the right balance between aesthetics and functionality, you can create QR codes that stand out, engage users, and drive conversions. Using colors and gradients as your artistic allies, you can design impactful dynamic QR codes. 
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Written by

Jonathan Palley